In view of the provisions of the administrative procedure regulations, the REPRESENTA service is planned to be integrated with APODERA and RELI, as soon as the indicated technical standard is approved and the integrations are available.

In relation to the integration with APODERA, unfortunately we still do not have a forecast, because we are waiting for the approval of the Interoperability Technical Standard (responsibility of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation) which is currently still in version draft. The AOC Consortium is working to adapt to the draft specifications of the NTI, but until we have the final version, we will not be able to close the technical and functional adaptation of our platform and the realization of the technical tasks for formal integration.

Article 6 of Law 39/2015, of October 1, contemplates that the general registers of powers of attorney will not prevent the existence of particular registers of each register where the powers granted to carry out procedures are entered specific to it. In addition, each body will be able to have its own electronic register of powers of attorney.

Be that as it may, these general and particular registers must be fully interoperable with each other, so as to guarantee their interconnection and compatibility, as well as the telematic transmission of requests, writings and communications incorporated into them.

However, for this interoperability it is necessary to first approve the corresponding Technical Interoperability Standard of the data model and interoperability conditions of the electronic power of attorney registers, which is in the preparation phase.

The POWER OF ATTORNEY is the electronic register of powers of attorney of the General Administration of the State, which - like REPRESENTA or other similar registers - allows the registration of representations with the purpose of the proxies acting before the Public Administrations on behalf of third parties

On the other hand, the Electronic Register of Bidding Companies of the Generalitat of Catalonia (RELI) aims to facilitate the competition of companies and speed up the actions of the Catalan public administrations in contractual award procedures (Decree 107/2005 , of May 31).

Among the various data entered in the RELI, those relating to the representation of the bidding companies stand out, such as:

  • Date of the document and number of the protocol granting powers of representation in contractual procedures.
  • Surnames and first names of the representatives.
  • Identification of the powers of representation attributed: bidding, signing contracts, assigning credits, setting up deposits and collecting.
  • Duration of powers of representation.
  • Regime of action of the powers of representation.
  • Number and expiry date of the identity document of the representatives.