The minimum technical requirements that must be met by citizens and companies using the Representa service are the following:

1).- Supported browsers: regarding browsers, please visit this link for information

2).- Authentication: to access the service, you can authenticate with idCAT mobile, Cl@ve or any certificate classified by the AOC Consortium of the types indicated in the following section. (More information in relation to obtaining the mobile idCAT ).

3).- Digital certificates: if you access with a digital certificate, you must check that:

  • you have a valid digital certificate issued by any of the certification entities classified by the AOC Consortium of the following typologies according to @firma's classification:
    • Natural Person Certificates (type 0)
    • Public Worker Certificates (type 5)
    • Certificates of natural persons representing legal persons before the Public Administrations (type 11)
    • Certificates of natural persons representing entities without legal personality before the Public Administrations (type 12)
  • you have installed the public keys and software indicated by the certificate authority issuing the digital certificate. If it is a digital certificate issued by CATCert, you can download the public keys from: Public keys
  • In case of doubts or technical problems with the digital certificate, you need to contact the certification body issuing your digital certificate

4).- Checking security restrictions in corporate environments: in some corporate environments and for security reasons, the firewall can impose access restrictions to websites and applications. In this case, you must check with the company's security manager that you can access