On the initial screen, the personal data of our certificate appears (if this is the first time we access Representa) or the data contained in the service's database, if we already have representations in our name.


To modify the data, you must press “Modify” and then we will see our data.


We can change the data:

  • Name
  • Surnames
  • Name felt
  • Allow or not to receive warnings from the platform
  • Language of notices (Catalan or Spanish)
  • Email (only if we check the option to allow notifications)
  • Telephone (only if we check the option to allow notifications)

Once the data has been modified, we must press “Save” and if we have not provided our email and/or telephone number, we will be informed of the consequences of not doing so.

If you do not allow the option to receive notifications, you will not receive information about changes in the status of your representations, which is why we recommend that notifications are always allowed.