What is an extension?

An extension is the extension of the validity of a representation beyond the initial validity date. A representation has a maximum validity date of 5 years, therefore, within this period, the representation can be extended, that is, its validity can be extended.

Which performances can be extended?

Any representation that is valid and has a validity of less than 5 years can be extended, with a maximum validity date of 5 years (counting the sum of the initial representation and successive extensions), if it is not required to attach new documentation to prove this extension of the representation.


If A represents B for 1 year --> n extensions can be made for the remaining 4 years.

If A represents B for 2 years --> n extensions can be made for the remaining 3 years.

If, due to the extension of the representation, it is necessary to attach a document that accredits it, a new representation must be made.

How does the extension flow work?

In relation to the registration procedure for the extension, this is the same as for new registrations:

  • If the original representation was requested without accompanying documentation (either by the power of attorney or representative) and therefore went through the “pending acceptance” status >> the extension request will need acceptance on the other side to be valid.
  • If the original representation had attached documentation and therefore went through the “pending validation” status >> validation by the administration of the extension request is required to become valid.

If the representation is based on a new power of attorney document >> the extension is not allowed, and therefore a new registration must be made.

If the representation has already expired >> the extension is not allowed, and therefore a new registration must be made.

Can either party request an extension?


If the initial representation was "pending acceptance" the power of attorney or representative can request an extension and it must be accepted by the other party.

If the initial representation was "pending validation" both the power of attorney and the representative can request an extension and it must be validated by the administration.

How to create an extension from the citizenship portal?

You must access the citizenship portal and search for the representation to be extended.


When we click on the representation to be extended, we will go to the "Consultation and Management" tab and once there, if the representation meets the requirements (valid and valid for less than 5 years), in the "Actions" tab you can go to end of the "Extension".



You must choose the validity period (always less than 5 years on the original representation) and press "Extension" > "Confirm".



The request will remain in “Pending validation” or “Pending acceptance” depending on the life cycle of the original representation, as explained in the section “ How does the extension flow work? "


From here, in order for the representation to be Valid, you need to follow the usual flow:

  • Pending acceptance: it must be accepted by the other party (the one that has not initiated the extension).
  • Pending validation: The administration validator needs to review and validate the attached documentation.